The journey to and from school provides a good opportunity to introduce walking and cycling into a child's day or to increase confidence in using public transport.

Walking, cycling or riding the bus together can give you valuable time with your children without the distraction of driving and parking, and can help children control their weight and blood pressure, as well as performing better at school. You can find information on travel to school below.


Map produced by Hydrock, now Stantec .Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database rights (2025)


There are a number of primary schools within walking distance of Northshore, as shown on the map above. 

Google Maps has been used to calculate walking and cycling times. It can also be used to plan the quietest walking routes to each of these schools from your doorstep.


Riding with your child is a good way to get exercise for yourself and accustom children to cycling on roads. Advice on cycling with children of primary school age can be found on the Cycling UK website.

If your child is new to cycling or needs further assistance, you can contact your child’s school to find out when their next Bikeability course will take place.

If you’re walking or cycling to school, the route you take will determine how quick, safe and enjoyable your journey is. The Stockton-on-Tees Active Travel Hub have put together route maps for every secondary school and college in the area – just click on the school/college, find where you live on the map, and follow the best route to get you there!

Advice on travelling safely for pupils and parents is also available.


Your children may be eligible for free transport to school if:

  • children under the age of 8 where the nearest suitable school is over 2 miles from the registered home address of the child

  • children between the age of 8 and 16 where the nearest suitable school is over 3 miles from the registered home address of the child

  • children with special educational needs, a disability or mobility problem who cannot reasonably be expected to walk to school because of their mobility problems or because of health and safety issues related to their special educational need or disability

  • children who cannot reasonably be expected to walk to school because the route is deemed unsafe

There are also extended rights for children entitled to free school meals on the basis of income and those of parents in receipt of the maximum Working Tax Credit, as follows:

  • free transport, where the suitable school is beyond 2 miles from the registered home address of the child is extended to include children over 8 and below 11

  • free transport is extended to the suitable secondary school being between 2 and 6 miles from the registered home address of the child, where there are not 3 or more suitable nearer schools for children aged 11-16

  • extended free transport to a school between 2 and 15 miles from the registered home address where the school is the nearest preferred school on the grounds of religion or belief for children aged 11-16

All of these criteria are based on different ages and which school you attend. You can find out more information and see if your child qualifies on the school transport page of the Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council website.



  • Plan your walking journey to school using Google Maps.

    Plan your cycle ride to school with CycleStreets.

  • Your child may be eligible for free school transport, click here for more information.