For those who are physically able, walking is a great option for getting where you need to be. You don’t need specialist equipment and you don’t have to buy tickets or think about parking. It’s also a great way to fit exercise into your day and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
By virtue of the close proximity of the site to Stockton-on- town centre, there are a wide range of amenities and destinations within the local vicinity that are likely to attract walking trips to and from Northshore.
You can walk to/from the town centre via Bishop Street and the A1046 and Northshore Road. Alternatively, you can join the Riverside Walk towards Northshore. Walking routes to can be planned using Google Maps, simply write in the postcode and the postcode of where you want to be!
The map below shows the location of local retail, healthcare, leisure , education and public transport facilities.
You can download a larger version of the map here.
Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier. Sometimes overlooked as a form of exercise, walking briskly can help you build stamina, burn excess calories and make your heart healthier. A brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and counts towards your recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise.
According to the NHS Choices website, regular walking has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, stroke and some cancers. The website has some really useful information about fitting walking into your life to improve your health.
The Hub is Stockton-on-Tees’s active travel centre, located in Stockton town centre (147 High Street, TS18 1PL). The Hub is open Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm and on hand whether you’re wondering where to go walking, baffled by which bike to buy, or considering changing your commute.
The Hub has a range of activities and initiatives to support those wanting to walk more:
Looking for a new walking route? The Hub’s route library has over 40 walking routes and circuits in and around Stockton. Routes are of varying lengths, difficulty and settings. So whether you’re looking for something in town or perhaps somewhere more nature focused, there is a route for you.
Looking for a tailored walking route to suit your needs? Take advantage of the Active Travel Hub’s dedicated Route Planner which will map out the best, walking friendly route which you can also access on your smartphone.
Want to walk with others? You can find information and contact details to participate in a guided walks delivered by Sustrans staff and volunteers. This can be a great opportunity to get out with others soak up the local environment and maybe even make a few friends along the way!
Looking for volunteering opportunities? The Hub are always looking for Walk Leaders to help lead new weekly walks in certain areas of the borough. You don’t need to be a “walking expert” yourself – just physically able, and keen to meet and help new people. Full training and kit is provided.
For more information on any of the above, email stocktonactivetravel@sustrans.org.uk or visit https://thehubstockton.com/volunteering/
Finding someone to walk with can make walking more enjoyable, along with providing added security. If you’d like assistance finding someone to walk to with who lives / works at Northshore, contact the travel team.
You can plan your walking journeys using Google Maps
Explore the Stockton-on-Tees Active Travel Hub for inspiration on where to go for a walk, bespoke route travel, guided walking groups and FAQs.
If you live within 3km of work, you could walk to there within 45 minutes.
Visit the travel to work page for details about walking to work.
Walking or scooting to school is an easy way of including exercise in children’s lives. There are a number of primary schools within walking distance of Northshore, as shown on the map, and there is more information on the Travel to school page.
1. Be predictable. Follow the rules of the road and walk on footpaths wherever these are available.
2. Trust your instincts. If you feel unsafe, report it.
3. Keep alert. Be aware of your surroundings and try avoiding distractions that may take your eyes (and ears) off the road.
4. Carry a personal alarm. This will help attract attention if needed.
5. Be visible. Wear bright coloured reflective clothing, especially if you’ll be out walking when it’s dark.
6. Walk together. Walking with others can make your walk more enjoyable, along with providing added security.