Saddle up, next week is the 100th anniversary of Bike Week!

Bike Week is the perfect opportunity for you (and the whole family) to take to two wheels. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t cycled in years or have never cycled at all, this is just about giving it a go!

What is Bike Week?

Bike Week is an annual celebration of cycling, encouraging more people to cycle more often. Cycling is a fantastic way to help our bodies and minds stay healthy, helping us to get outside and active. This Year Cycling UK is celebrating the 100th annual Bike Week. This year, Bike Week takes place on the 5th-11th of June and is focusing on celebrating the power of active travel for businesses and us all.

Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or a complete beginner, there's something for everyone during Bike Week. A series of challenges have been set so that you can measure fitness, cost savings, and if you’re feeling confident accumulating 100 miles of cycle distance. Which challenge will you take on?

Before you head out, making sure your bike is in good health before you go anywhere is vital.  There are a few simple checks you should carry out to make sure your bike is safe to ride. Sustrans 11-step M-Check is a good place to start.

Local support

If you’re looking to get in the saddle for the first time, or want to brush up on some rusty skills, the Stockton Active Travel Hub offers guided bike rides, with the aim of getting people out cycling and learning new skills.  There’s also lots of support available online through Cycling UK from advice for beginners, family cycling advice, cycling to work, road cycling, electric bikes, maintenance advice, and cycle safety,

Commute Smart also covers all aspects of commuting by bike on the roads of Britain, whether you’re an experienced commuter, or cycling into work for the first time.

Any questions? Contact the Northshore travel team or check out our dedicated cycling page.


Keeping your Bike Safe


#WalkthisMay for National Walking Month