Let’s talk about SPEED

Road Safety Week (19-25 November 2023) is an annual campaign, organised by Brake, the road safety charity. Every year, thousands of communities, schools and companies get involved to shout out for road safety where they live and work.

Why is Road Safety important?

  • Five people die on UK roads every day.

  • Every day, six children are killed or seriously injured on UK roads.

  • Every year, more than 1500 people are  killed on UK roads and more than 25,000 people suffer serious injuries.

  • Road crashes are devastating events for families, friends and communities.

  • Road Safety Week gives us all the  opportunity to remember people killed  or injured on UK roads, and raise funds  to help Brake care for road victims and campaign for safe roads for all.

The theme for Road Safety Week 2023 is Let’s talk about SPEED. Five people die on UK roads every day. 1 in 4 fatal crashes involve someone driving too fast. We’re joining the national conversation to challenge why so many of us still think it’s ok to speed, and talk about solutions that we know can make roads safer for everyone.

How can I get involved?

Sign up now to take part in Road Safety Week 2023 and do something amazing to raise awareness of the dangers of excess or inappropriate speed. Help people understand why safe speeds are so vital for safe and healthy journeys.

How much do you know about stopping distances at different speeds? Test your knowledge about speed and stopping distances using Brake’s stopping distance calculator.

  • Tell people why you are taking part in Road Safety Week 2023.

  • Join the conversation to talk about why speed is a critical factor for the safety of our roads.

  • Encourage others to take part.

  • Raise vital funds to support families affected by road crashes.

Whoever you are, however you travel, we need to talk about speed.

Visit www.brake.org.uk/RoadSafetyWeek for more details on how to get involved.  


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