Embrace Winter on Two Wheels

Join the #WinterWheelers Movement!

Winter is often associated with cozy indoor activities, but did you know that cycling can be a thrilling and rewarding experience even in the colder months? Love to Ride's #WinterWheelers campaign is here to inspire residents to pedal through the winter wonderland and be part of a growing community passionate about year-round cycling.

Why Winter Cycling?

Besides the health benefits of staying active, winter cycling can be an invigorating experience. The fresh air, and quiet streets are waiting to be explored. Plus, there are incredible prizes up for grabs for those who embrace the challenge!

Getting Started with #WinterWheelers

  1. Register on Love to Ride: The first step is to sign up at lovetoride.net It's a simple process that gets you connected to a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for winter cycling. Don’t forget to join the ‘Northshore’ club.

  2. Log Your Rides: Every ride counts! Whether it's a short commute or a scenic weekend adventure, log your rides on the Love to Ride platform. This not only tracks your personal achievements but also contributes to the overall community goal.

  3. Spread the Word: Encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to join the #WinterWheelers movement. The more, the merrier! Share your experiences on social media, use the campaign hashtags, and let everyone know how exhilarating winter cycling can be.

  4. Win Exciting Prizes: By participating, you not only enjoy the thrill of winter cycling but also stand a chance to win fantastic prizes. From bike accessories to cash prizes and even a Brompton Electric C Line Explore, there's something for everyone.

Winter Cycling Tips

If you're new to winter cycling, fear not! Love to Ride provides valuable resources, including tips for winter riding and quick courses. Don't let the cold weather deter you – with the right gear and mindset, winter cycling can become a favorite seasonal activity.

In conclusion, #WinterWheelers is a fantastic opportunity to break free from the winter hibernation routine. Embrace the cold, hop on your bike, and join a community that thrives on the exhilaration of winter cycling. Sign up today, log your rides, and let's pedal through winter together!


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